While I try to stay a fairly fun, positive, happy woman... from time to time, we all have to have those moments when life just sucks. Now, being a Christian, I do believe they are a test of faith. But sometimes, I think God understands when we need to express our irritation in some outlet or another. My outlet is to become Pissy Pussy. This is Pissy Pussy's first expression to the world. So, without further ado, I present Pissy Pussy... the Grouchy Cat.

Before I begin, let me explain that I am just coming off of Kitten Control, and my hormones are raging, tossing my emotions right and left like a dangly toy smacked around by a paw. Along with this, I recently tweaked my back and have pinched a nerve... so my normal, lithe cat-walk is gone, and in its place is a crotchety old nag stagger. Lifting and bending is very uncomfortable. But still, I have not let this affect my mood too terribly for the past 4 days...but today it only added to my touchiness. So, now that you understand the circumstances, let me begin...

Once I have answered it and drug myself out of the dredges of sleep, I must prepare myself for the day. You know, brush the fur, powder the haggard sleep-face. Which was not enough to put me in a bad mood...yet.
First, the mate wants to snuggle longer, which I don't mind, but we are very late waking up and we have places to go, mice to hunt, fish to fry.
As I am powdering the face, my paws slip and I manage to dump half of my powder in the sink and on the floor. SNAP.
F My Life.
My mood has just shifted from lazy and noncommittal to irritable. Pissy Pussy is now wide awake.
I decide, perhaps I don't want to attend that Mouse catching class... maybe I'd rather stay home and curl up beneath the covers and take another 16 hour catnap. Yes... that sounds much more enticing than facing the world....but no... the mate insists I must go. So I continue to prepare myself. I am not snapping at him yet... but I'm cool and distant in an attempt not to snap at him.

"If you wanted to get here earlier, you should have told me."
"Well from now on I'm dragging you out of the house, no matter how you look," he growls back.
"No, next time you will tell me so I can set an alarm and be up and ready before you even get out of bed," I hiss.
Well, now I've done it. Set the tone for the whole rest of the day. I may be Pissy Pussy, but I admit to being very emotionally vulnerable, and when someone else I care about is irritated or upset with me, it absolutely slaughters the rest of my day.
Why is it that life with mates is so complicated? Why is it so hard for people to consider eachother's needs and wants? Why is it that periodically, the mates must fight or something is "wrong" with the relationship? Why can't they just take catnaps together for the rest of their lives, give eachother the gift of catnip or fish (mmm...shushi), and live together in peace? Why must there always be upsets? Who decided that should be a requirement anyway??? Why do life with mates haveto stink life up so badly?
I love life, don't get me wrong. I love sunbathing by a window, and curling up with a purr next to my mate... but sometimes relationships start to stink worse than that mouse I caught and forgot behind the couch for a week. Just sayin'.
And so Pissy Pussy makes her first appearance in blog form. Please comment and share your Pissy moments:)
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